GAD- What is Anxiety and Its Negative Effects on Your Health?

What is Anxiety and Its Negative Effects on Your Health?

GAD- What is Anxiety and Its Negative Effects on Your Health?

In today’s blog post, we will be sharing how anxiety and its negative effects can affect your overall health. Anxiety is a sensation of fear, dread, and/or uneasiness. Feeling anxious can cause you to sweat, feel restless and nervous, or cause your heart to beat rapidly. Anxiety may also be a reaction to stress. For instance, you might feel anxious when faced with a challenging problem, or before taking a vital decision.

Anxiety is your body’s answer to threats, either authentic or perceived. Your breathing rate might rise, your heart might start pounding, and you might get a burst of energy. It is your body’s way of keeping you safe.

We all feel anxious at times, and a certain level of anxiety is typical – and even beneficial – in some situations. For example, envision you’re walking home after a long day at work and naturally, you’re tired. You think you see a snake –but really it’s just a hosepipe. Swiftly, you forget how tired you are and have a burst of energy in order to get out of “harm’s way”.

Nevertheless, feeling too much anxiety about something, or feeling anxiety that’s not connected to an obvious challenge, isn’t helpful. It can get in the way of your day-to-day undertakings and affect your quality of life.

What Are The Various Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxious- What Are The Various Types Of Anxiety Disorders?

The effect of anxiety now the tiny term, anxiety increases your breathing and heart rate, absorbed blood flow to your brain, where you need it. This very physical reaction is preparing you to face an extreme situation.

If it gets too extreme, however, you might start to feel dizzy and nauseous. An extreme or persistent state of anxiety can have a shattering effect on your physical and mental health.

Anxiety disorders can occur at any stage of life, but they usually begin between initial adolescence and young adulthood. Traumatic life experiences may intensify your risk for an anxiety disorder, too. Indications may begin instantaneously or years later. Having a serious medical condition or a substance use disorder can also lead to an anxiety disorder.

There are several kinds of anxiety disorders. But we will speak on three.

Disorders- What is Anxiety and Its Negative Effects on Your Health?

Generalized anxiety disorder

Also known as GAD, It is marked by extreme anxiety for no logical cause. GAD is detected when extreme uneasiness about a variety of things lasts. If you have a minor case, you’re most likely able to complete your routine day-to-day activities. More severe cases may have a deep impact on your life.

Social anxiety disorder

The Social anxiety disorder encompasses a paralyzing fear of social situations and of being adjudged or embarrassed by others. This severe social phobia can leave one feeling humiliated and alone.

A lot of grown-ups experience social anxiety disorder at some stage in their lives. More than one-third of folks with social anxiety disorder delay a decade or more before seeking help.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Also known as PTSD, It grows after observing or experiencing something traumatic. Symptoms can begin straightaway or be delayed for years.

Common causes may include war, natural disasters, or a physical attack. PTSD episodes may be triggered without warning.

What are the Negative Effects of Anxiety on Overall Health?

Anxiety- What is Anxiety and Its Negative Effects on Your Health?

1. Anxiety and Its Negative Effects: Central nervous system

A Long-term anxiety and panic occurrences can cause your brain to discharge stress hormones on a regular basis. This can raise the frequency of signs, such as headaches, dizziness, and depression.

When you feel panicky and stressed your brain floods your nervous system with hormones and chemicals intended to help you respond to a threat. Adrenaline and cortisol are two instances.

While useful for the irregular high-stress event, long-term exposure to pressure hormones can be more harmful to your physical health in the long run. For instance, long-term exposure to cortisol can add to weight gain.

2. Cardiovascular system

Anxiety disorders can cause speedy heart rate, shivers, and chest pain. You may also be at an greater than before risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. If you already have heart disease, anxiety disorders the risk of coronary events.

3. Excretory and digestive systems

Anxiety also touches your excretory and digestive systems. You may have stomachaches, nausea, diarrhea, and other digestive issues. Loss of appetite can also happen.

There may be a linking between anxiety disorders and the growth of irritable bowel syndrome after a bowel infection. Irritable bowel syndrome can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

4. Anxiety and Its Negative Effects: Immune system

Anxiety can trigger your flight or fight pressure reply and release a flood of chemicals and hormones, like adrenaline, into your system.

In the short term, this surges your pulse and breathing rate, so your brain can get more oxygen. This fixes you to respond appropriately to an extreme situation. Your immune system may even get a brief boost. With irregular stress, your body returns to regular functioning when the stress passes.

However if you experience prolonged stress, your body never gets the hint to return to regular functioning. This can weaken your immune system, leaving you more exposed to viral infections and recurrent illnesses.

Likewise, your routine vaccines may not work as well if you have anxiety.

5. Anxiety and Its Negative Effects: Respiratory system

Anxiety causes hasty, narrow breathing. If you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you may be at a bigger risk of hospitalization from anxiety-related difficulties. Anxiety can also make asthma symptoms worse.


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